"There is no such thing as a bad artist, only those who dont understand."
Tyler Gogan

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A little bit on action in your scene

Alright i thought i might talk about what you should do when trying to decided on what your entire clip is going to be about. This is for newbies as well as people that have been doing it for a long time. When i first started I would be so concerned about the attitude and the mood the character was in. I did this in all my assigments and do it still to this day, anyway, when executing your scene try not to give the character an attitude, I like to call it acting in my scene, try not to have the character act, see how much faster and easier you will get things done. Now, im not saying not to have your character always not portray a mood in any of your scenes because that obviously plays a big part, but just try and have him using his body, dont use the face in any way shape or form, maybe an expretion at the end with the gag but thats it, the audience with understand what is going on if you just have the chatracter using just their body, when putting acting in the scene it just makes it harder for yourself. Dont be affraid not to use facial expretions, you might get to the point of over animating and trust me it is frustrating having to go back and cut things out becuase you put to much in it. Just putting action in your scene will somewhat make the acting for you.
Remeber try not to put to much in your scene, just put enough to get the point across, you dont want to have to animate more than you need to.

I posted this link of this spaceman bit, i think that he is a perfect example of what i just explaned, you cant really see his face at all but just with the way he stands and moves you are able to understand what he is feeling and what mood he is putting off.

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